Angelique Jobelle

Poetry, Performance & Installations by Artist Extraordinaire Angelique Jobelle!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Performance: "IT'S ONLY ROCK & ROLL"
with Tim Delano
Bennett's Big Books & Record Shoppe, Halibut, Alberta
December 8, 2004
Stung by Professor MacLeod's continuing criticisms (he even called me "narcissistic" in front of the whole class! bastard!), Tim & I didn't invite him to this performance, which sort of happened by accident when the Mekons, who were supposed to do an "in-store" concert here at the best damned bookshop (& record shop!) east of Toronto, cancelled at the last minute. Tim & I convinced JiM Bennett, the owner, to let us play the gig ourselves - impersonating the Mekons, or well at least the two main ones, Tom & Jon. JiM must have been a bit drunk because he okay'd it & we did & blow me down but no one noticed!