By early March I'd settled into a routine at CO3, making paintings in the morning, walking down to the veg shop in Ealees to buy some grub for lunch, then a nap & at night I work on some writing or do a simple performance or two. Most of these I didn't bother to document, I think I'm just not so keen on putting every single thing I do under the microscope so to speak. Anyway Dwanelle took one of this perf, one of a series. Love that Patrick McGoohan, eh?
Performance: "The Scarecrone of Romney Marsh"
Chaos Out Of Order, Rochdale, Lancashire, England UK
March 2, 2007
Horses & guns, oh my!
Performance: "A Taste Of Honey" - collaboration with Jake Husko
Chaos Out Of Order, Rochdale, Lancashire, England UK
March 8, 2007
Honeybees, lawn furniture, junk mail, bear scat, silk thread, sterno, rusted iron & Herb Albert & The Tejano Brass lps.
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