And here are two more that I wrote while lying in bed eating percocets:
a slipper-spur, shaped
with outer thick callosity
or set of bracts, calyx, hood,
or veil, floral capsule
of a particular sort, as in true pinks
curved at the edges, sweet cicely
as the stigmas &c
close dense cluster round
a globular apex like hair
in shape, and diminutive
of capitate, head of cessils,
head on a pin, stigma of cherry-
bearing tendrils, hoary,
whiter still, dry, dehiscent
seed vessel, prowed vessel
with a sharp ridge & stigmas
clustered round to form a body, shaped
flesh-coloured grain of grasses
of which a pistil is composed,
pale red, pertaining to a carpel
or stalk within the flower,
that firm and tough department
or support, like cartilage in flesh-
like texture, spike of thorns,
long-clawed petals upright, tailed,
tail-pointed, the summit more
or less reclining, an obvious stem
composed of vesicles
and scaly pink-like tissues, nodding
as it points, centrifugal,
away from center down within the cavity
of an anther, deciduous, ament